Understanding and living in Harmony at Various Levels YASH PAL, November 26, 2022September 2, 2024 METHOD TO FULFILL THE ABOVE HUMAN ASPIRATIONS: UNDERSTANDING AND LIVING IN HARMONY AT VARIOUS LEVELS [br] Method to fulfill human aspirations by understanding living harmony at all levels of our existence. The contribution of this fulfillment for the purpose of others’ growth is the ultimate success. [br] Right Understanding helps to create harmony at all four levels of human living. Right Understanding enables us to: Resolve the issues in human relationships Be prosperous Enrich Nature Work out our requirements for physical facilities Correctly distinguish between wealth and prosperity Understand the harmony in Nature Right Understanding forms the basis on which we can work for relationships and also acquire Physical Facilities. Presently, as we look around, we find most of the people in the following two categories SVDD – Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra SSDD -Sadhan Sampan Dukhi Daridra SSSS – Sadhan Sampan Sukhi Samridha [br] Meaning of the word: Sadhan – Means to acquire Viheen – Lack of, deprived of Daridra – Poverty [br] SVDD – Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra Refer to the condition of the person who doesn’t have the means to fulfill his materialistic desires. Desires are of two types: Materialistic desires- food, shelter, cloth Non – Materialistic desires- respect, trust, happiness, care [br] SSDD – Sadhan Sampan Dukhi Daridra Money is not all that matters. State of the person who has all the means to acquire materialistic requirements of life, but still something is lacking in his life. ” Money can buy a bed, but not sleep Money can buy good food, but not appetite Money can buy things, but not character and happiness” [br] SSSS – Sadhan Sampan Sukhi Samridha ” Sadhan sampann”: availability of the physical facility ” Sukhi Samridha “: continuous happiness and prosperity [br] Hence for a continuously happy life, we need to work for all three in the given order: Right Understanding Relationships Physical Facilities [br] Right Understanding + Relationship – Mutual Fulfillment (gives a feeling of satisfaction and happiness) [br] Right Understanding + Physical Facilities Mutual Prosperity (leads to enrichment of our lives as well as enrichment of Nature) [br] LIVING IN HARMONY AT ALL LEVELS OF LIVING WITH THE HELP OF THE RIGHT UNDERSTANDING At the level of Myself: Self – Exploration with the help of Natural Acceptance and Experiential Validation helps to develop a sense of Right Understanding. This right understanding helps me to understand myself clearly and helps me to develop a feeling of Satisfaction, Prosperity, and Happiness (Harmony) in Myself. At the level of Family: Right understanding helps us to understand others’ feelings and expectations in a better way. This ensures harmony in the family. At the level of Society: Our family is a part of a large group of people called Society. As we understand our relationships with others in our family, we also start understanding others in society and can maintain fulfilling relations with everyone. At the level of Nature / Existence: We live in a large ecosystem called Nature. Existence refers to all the things that exist in Nature. Once we learn to maintain harmony with society, we also develop a feeling of concern toward the plants, trees, animals, etc. in Nature. Hence right understanding leads to mutual fulfillment with Nature. [br] Also, read Understanding Harmony in Human beings Difference between sukh and suvidha Needs of Human Understanding the Needs of Self and Body Understanding the Human Being as the Coexistence of Self and Body engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values