Understanding Harmony in Human Being YASH PAL, November 26, 2022January 9, 2025 Understanding Harmony in the Human Being – Harmony in Myself “A sensible man will remember that the eyes may be confused in two ways – by a change from light to darkness or from darkness to light; and he will recognize that the same thing happens to the soul” Learning Objectives:… Ability to understand the idea of ” I ? as the man with a body. Materialistic world. Ability to identify the needs of sukh & suvidha. To ensure the appropriate identification and appraisal of physical needs. Ability to understand sanyam & swasthya Understanding Harmony in Human Beings It is important to understand what we are as human beings. The present state of knowledge of human beings is one that has been informed by the materialistic reductions of modern technological science. It is commonplace for people generally to think of the human body as being merely an elaborate machine, with all the nonmaterial aspects of the human being – thinking, and feeling. attitudes, emotions, mores, imagination, etc, as being merely the result of the physicochemical activities that take place in the physical body. However, the human organism is not a machine and does not operate under the aegis of chemical and physical laws. A human being among all living creatures on this planet is regarded as the greatest creature of God. It is because of the virtue of a developed brain that he has occupied the paramount position. Human beings are combined units of body and soul and so it is natural that there must be perfect harmony between these two, to live a happy and peaceful life. Like the great saint and preacher Swami Vivekananda starts his sermon by saying ” know thyself “, so it is the foremost need for everyone to have a good conception of him so that he might take a rational view of life and his surroundings. When we are not aligned with harmony, we are not in balance. If we are out of balance, we become stressed. We then gather with us mental stress. Mental stress occurs when there are too many conflicting things happening in our minds. When there are too many conflicting things going on in the mind, the energy stops the physiological maintenance that keeps your body healthy and transfers most of it to the area it needs help the most – the mind. It is as if the red blood cells heard an emergency alarm and ran all the way to the brain to deal with consciousness troubles while forgetting the body. Leaving the body without care, not only do you still have mental stress but your body becomes sick. Now that your body becomes sick, the energy realizes that the body is not being taken care of and runs back to the body, leaving the mind with the remaining inharmonious suffering. And then once the body is stabilized, they rush back to help with the mind. It goes back and forth again and TA again. Energy moves up and down from the mind to the body and the body to the mind. While it is doing that, you feel overwhelmed. It is like you are on an emotional roller coaster. On the outside, it feels like confusion. But deep inside, the soul is a wreck. We will be reactive instead of responsive. We will become ill instead of healthy. And we will be purposeless instead of vigor. And our nervous system fails. If we are not in harmony, both our inner and outer life suffer as the result of being entangled by the strings of our own instrument. Bring harmony within oneself In nature, as in life, we look to find a balance, a sense of harmony. There are many beliefs that embrace this feeling of harmony, the essential yin, and yang of all beings. For us harmony means a coming together of two or more souls, opinions, thoughts, or feelings – to blend together, appreciate one another, complement one another, become more together than we can be alone, to be connected as a whole. It also means gathering together in peace and friendship. All of us here in harmony invite you to seek that balance with us so that together we can more fully embrace all that life has to offer! Harmony in Human Being How to Live in Harmony with Yourself To have harmony with yourself is to be rid of inner and outer inconsistency. Inner Consistency – Inner Consistency is the harmony of inner life. It is having your beliefs and action work together. If we say we are going to do one thing but do something else, then we are inconsistent with ourselves. If our actions are different than our beliefs or if what we say is not what we believe, then we have inconsistency. We are being dishonest with ourselves. When we are dishonest with ourselves, we are in conflict with ourselves. Sometimes we sacrifice our integrity to suit the situation at hand. But by doing this we would have given two conflicting ideas for our subconscious mind. The remedy for inconsistency is, to be honest with yourself and to live your principles. Be consistent with what you do and what you say. Be honest with how you feel and who you are.” If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. ” Mark Twain If you are being honest, being truthful to yourself, then there is no need to keep track of too many things that bring mental stress. We will be in harmony with our inner selves and live in peace. And we live our honesty by doing two things: Having a principle that we live by Making our actions fit our principles However, the latter will automatically manifest as we make the former our solution. Thus, know your spiritual values and your code of living! Once you know your spiritual standards of living, live them and make your code your life by your actions. Although it’s easier to create your own principle to live by, this can clearly have many mistakes because of our limited perception. Thus, it is much better to resonate with a structure of a spiritual code of living that has stood the test of time. If you are able to listen to your soul, then simply Do What Is Right. Do this, along with moderation for everything, and you shall have inner peace. Outer Consistency – After having inner peace, we turn outward to seek outer peace. For one cannot have one without the other. We have known our truth, our spiritual standards, and our code of life. Now we turn outward and live them with inner conviction. See the world as a testing ground for your inner life. The game is simple- let your inner life be victorious over the outer life’s chaos. Although you can’t change the outer universe directly, you should not let it destroy your inner life. You don’t have to conquer the world but seek to not be conquered by the world.Your values cannot be shaken and you will never succumb to becoming someone you are not. This will grant you outer peace because you will be immune to the evils, the downturns, and the suffering of society. And when there are temptations, which there are endless opportunities, you will be in harmony and balance in the midst of chaos. This, of course, will take the power of Will to overcome obstacles. Also, read – Difference between sukh and suvidha Harmony at Various Levels Harmony within Oneself Harmony with Society Harmony with Nature Self-introspection plays an important role to create Harmony within oneself. If we are threatened with death or moving in one direction without thinking, at that time only introspection will help us to create harmony and give peace. It is the duty of each and every individual to participate in social service activities, whether one is in a village or in a city. Our life will be sanctified only when we serve society. Service to man is service to God. True service has twin benefits- it makes you happy and gives happiness to others. Jane Austin rightly says- ” To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon the verdant green hills is the most perfect refreshment “. A human being is an integral part of nature. A human being is a component of heaven and earth or nature. No doubt there are sufferings and misfortunes in our lives, but nature plays an important role, as soon as we think of nature as soon as we visit beautiful streams we forget our sufferings and enjoy. The immortal drink which is pouring unto us from heaven’s brink in the form of nature. ” Trees give peace to the souls of men ‘. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values