Design step for cantilever retaining wall YASH PAL, June 7, 2021November 24, 2024 Design steps for cantilever retaining wall – In this tutorial, we are going to design the cantilever retaining wall using the 6 steps approach. Step 1 – Set the dimensions of the wall a) Depth of foundation hmin = 2 b) Height of stem H = h + h min c) Base width b0.4H to 0.6H d) Length of toe slab = 0.3b to 0.4b e) Thickness of base slab = to f) Thickness of stem governed by bending moment criteria check whether the structure is stable based on the dimension set. Step 2 – Check a) Overturning fs1 = 1.4 b) Serding fs2 = 1.4 otherwise, provide a shear key c) Failure of sending soil ( base failure ) = ; e = – Pmax = SBC of soil Pmin = should be positive (no tension ) Step 3 – Design of stem Provide main steel, distribution steel, and shear reinforcement for steel of retaining wall. Step 4 – Design of heel slab Provide main steel and distribution steel for the heel slab of the retaining wall. Step 5 – Design of the slab Provide main steel and distribution steel for the toe slab of the retaining wall. Step 6 – Detailing Detail the reinforced assigned Question – A cantilever retaining wall has a 5.5m tall stem to retain soil level with its top. The soil density is 16KN/m3 & has an angle of repose 30. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 210 KN/m2. Design retaining wall using M20 and Fe 415. The frictional coefficient between soil & concrete is 0.45. Answer Given Height of stem = H = 5.5 m Density of soil = 16 KN/m3 Angle of repose = 30 Safe bearing capacity = 210 KN/m2 Coefficient of friction = 0.45 M20, Fe 415 1. Dimensioning of wall a) Depth of foundation hmin = 2 = 1.45 b) Base width b = 0.5H b = 0.5 x 5.5 =2.75 m 2.8 m c) Length of the slab L = 0.35h L = 0.35 x 2.8 = 0.98 m = 1 m d) Thickness of base slab t = = 0.55 m 550 mm f) Thickness of stem Moment at base stem = = 147.8 KNm Aultimate moment (m u ) = 1.5 x 147.8 = 221.82 KNm We know that mu = 0.138 fck bd 2 d = = 283.5 mm 290 mm Total depth at base of stem = 290 +60 = 350 mm Reducing total depth at the top of stem be D’ = 180 mm Coefficient depth at top = 180 – 60 = 120 mm 2. Tabulating force and moment Cantilever Retrieving Wall Pa = KarH 2 = 80.67 = 147.895 Check a) Overturning fs1 = = = 2.20 1.4 safe b) Serving fs 2 = = = = 1.01 1.4 not safe shear key needs to pre-provided c) Failure of undersoil = = 1.06 m ; e = – = – 1.06 = 0.34 m P max = 125.02 KN/m SBC of soil P min = 19.63 KN/m should be positive (no tension ) 3. Design of stem Effective depth of stem (d)= 350 – 60 = 290 mm The maximum moment at the base of the moment (Me ) = 221.83 KNm Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d Mu = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 290 (main) using 4-20 mm bars @ 120 mm c/c as main reinforcement also distribution steel = 0.12% of bd = x = 318 mm 2 Using 10 mm bars Spacing = x 10 3 = 246.9 250 mm Using 10 mm bars @ 250 mm c/c as distribution steel. Curtailment of steel ( CL 26.2.1 ) Act = 940.23 mm (development length ) Cutting the base at 2 m H from the base of the stem H = 5.5 – 2 = 3.5 m Moment at (h = 3.5 m) = 38.11 KN m Total depth at h (3.5m) = 0.18 + = 0.28 m Effective depth = 0.28 – 0.06 = 0.22 = 220 mm We know Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d 57.16 x 10 6 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 220 Ast = 776 mm 2 Only half the base can be covered at 2 m from the bottom Check for shear Critical section for shere = h 1 = 5.5 – 0.29 = 5.21 mm Shear force = K a h 2 = 65.14 KN Maximum shear force () = 65.14 x 1.5 = 97.71 Thickness at critical section = 0.34 m (similar) Effective depth = 0.34 – 0.06 = 0.28 m = = = 0.3489 0.35 N/ mm 2 max = 2.8 N/mm 2 (for m-20) Ast = = 1.009 % = 0.62 N/mm 2 (table – 19) Here Min shear reinforcement is provided by distribution steel. 4. Design of shear slab The total depth of the heel slab = 500 mm Effective depth of heel slab = 550 – 60 = 490 mm Load on heel slab The total load on heel slab = 107.93 KN/m Maximum bending moment at B = – – (0.5 x (74.21 – 19.63) x 1.45 x ) = 113.46 – 20.63 – 19.02 = 73.81 KNm d = = = 163.53 mm < 490 mm Ast (min) = = 1003 mm2 Now, Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d Ast = 424.84 mm2 Using 16 mm bar No. of bars = 4.96 5 bar Spacing = 200 mm We provide 5- 16 mm bars @ 200 mm c/c as the main reinforcement Distribution bars = 0.12% of bd = 660 mm2 Spacing = 120 mm ( using 10 mm ) We provide 10 mm dia bars @ 120 mm c/c as distribution steel 5. Design of toe slab Maximum bending moment = = 56.2 KNm Factored maximum bending moment = 1.5 x 56.25 = 84.37 KNm Mu = 0.138 f ck bd 2 d = = 174.84 < 490 (safe) Area of steel Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d 84.37 x 10 6 = 0.87 x 415 x A st x 490 A st = 476.53 mm 2 < A st min (1003 mm2 ) We provide 5- 16 mm bars @ 200 mm c/c as the main reinforcement We provide 10 mm dia bars @ 120 mm c/c as distribution steel Cantilever Retrieving Wall Also, read Design of spherical dome Design a rectangular beam civil engineering engineering subjects civil engineeringengineering subjects