Humanistic Constitution in Human Value YASH PAL, December 3, 2022January 13, 2025 Humanistic Constitution – It refers to the set of rules that human beings should follow. This is to ensure mutual fulfillment and coordination in the human order together with the other orders. The human constitution is the framework of humans, living in harmony with themselves and with their entire existence. Humanistic Constitution Humanistic Constitution The framework of humans living in harmony within themselves (Swatantrata) and in Harmony with their entire existence (Swarajya) is the Human Constitution. It is knowing, acceptance, recognition, and fulfillment of the relationship of humans with humans as well as rest of the nature leading to mutual Happiness and Prosperity in human beings and Suraksha (Enrichment, Protection, and right Utilization) of rest of the nature. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives….. Providing the means for like-minded individuals to meet and discuss Humanist values, principles, and relevant subjects. The right understanding also provides us the basis for a humanistic constitution which is essential to provide clear guidelines & policy framework conducive to the development of an unfragmented human society & a universal human order. Today human society is divided into various castes, creeds, religions & nationalities whose objectives & interests are proving contrary to those of others. Human beings are spending a substantial part of their energies & resources in preparing themselves for war only to ensure peace. Today our effort is directed towards trying to stop a wrong behavior by means of an equal or even more wrong behavior i.e. a crime by executing a bigger crime. This right understanding also offers a satisfactory & spontaneous resolution of the prevailing human conflicts ranging from the family level and going up to the global level. To begin with, the family is the smallest unit of order in society & moving from family to the world family; the humanistic constitution will provide the basis of harmonious living. Also, read – Competence in Professional Ethics engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values