Universal Human Order in Human Values YASH PAL, December 3, 2022January 13, 2025 Universal Human Order in Human Values – Universal human order is a feeling of being related to every unit including human beings and other entities of nature. using these five aspects we can augment the ability to the universal human order. Education – Sanskar Health – Sanyam Production – Work Exchange – Storage Justice – Preservation Universal Human Order Education -Sanskar Universalism in education means regarding learning, knowledge, and skills as part of a universal human inheritance which we must share as widely as possible. It means rejecting any notion of an education that is for the benefit of a minority, an advantage to be sought or a commodity to be bought with all the restrictive practices and cultural protectionism this implies. We need to ensure that public investment in education reaches learners according to need and is targeted in a way that helps to reduce inequalities and promote learning. This inevitably means allocating greater resources to those who face the greatest barriers to success as well as keeping educational routes and opportunities open for all learners throughout life. The best way to guarantee a universal entitlement to high-quality education is to maintain and defend a publicly owned and controlled system. Only collective community ownership and involvement can protect the principle of universalism. Such a system need not be uniform, monolithic, or unchanging. It must be subject to constant questioning and allow for vigorous debate about its aims, outcomes, structures, standards, and methods. It must avoid complacency or sclerosis allow room for experimentation and innovation and allow people time to make judgments about what works best. Advocates of the market claim that it is more responsive and innovative than the state. In a market, consumers do not have equal stakes and market innovation requires much market failure along the way. The ” choice and diversity ” agenda is predicated on the notion that greater choice between diverse providers is more likely to give people what they want from education. Like all market models, it requires consumers with unequal ” purchasing power ‘, whether of the financial or sharp-elbowed sort, to make market choices between unequal products. Those who already have the most generally benefit the most from such arrangements. In contrast, the idea of the common school is founded on the universalist belief that it is possible to meet the educational needs of all young people within a single common framework; one which acknowledges diversity and responds to individual needs. Education should address the needs of the whole person as well as the whole society. It should be prepared to address any areas of human activity, knowledge, and skill and not restrict itself in ways that are circumscribed by current power structures. Education is a lifelong process of deepening and widening understanding that combines the development of each person with that of the society they live in. Learning is fundamental to the human experience and we need to ensure that access to the benefits of learning really is universal. ” The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. ” Jane Addams Health – Sanyam Health (Sanyama) refers to a feeling of responsibility for nurturing, protecting, and rightly utilizing the body. When the body is fit to act according to the needs of the self (‘I’), and, there is harmony among the parts of the body, it is referred to as health or Swasthya. Sanyama means the feeling of responsibility in the self (I) for nurturing, protection, and the right utilization of the body. Self-control or sanyama is the control of the mind and its desires urges emotions and delusions. It is controlling the outgoing tendencies of the mind and the senses and bringing them back to our self within. Swasthya is the condition of the body where every part of the body is performing its expected function. The word swasthya literally means being anchored to the self, being in close harmony with the self. In other words, swasthya, in Sanskrit means self-dependence (swa = your own). Also, embedded in its meaning are health, sound state, comfort, and satisfaction. So we can say that sanyam ensures swasthya. With the right understanding, I get self-organized and take care of my body properly. With the lack of the right understanding, I am able to do it and the body becomes unhealthy. With the right understanding and the right feelings, the body gets favorably affected. For example; when I am happy, the temperature and pressure in the body are normal, when I am angry or tense, they get upset. It means if I am in disharmony, say in anger or stress, or despair, it immediately starts affecting the body adversely. There are many diseases of the body that are caused due to disharmony in ‘ T ‘. These are called psychosomatic diseases, such as asthma, allergies, migraine, diabetes, hypertension, etc. so we can say that sanyam has a strong effect on swasthya. Production -Work Work refers to the physical efforts by humans on the rest of nature, while production refers to the output / physical product that is obtained through these efforts [ 5 ]. When we talk of production work, there are two important points to discuss ‘ What to produce ‘ and ‘ How to produce ‘. The decision of what to produce depends on the right identification of needs. For this, we have to identify the physical needs of the body, i.e. what is needed for nourishment protection and the right utilization of the body. When we look into this, we can see that there is a need for, food, clothing, shelter, and various kinds of instruments for the right utilization of the body. How to produce refers to the technology or systems we use for production. On the understanding of harmony at all the levels of our living, it becomes evident that there is an inherent balance, a harmony in nature. So, it is only natural that any production system we design or implement is within the framework that is present in nature, i.e. it does not violate the framework/harmony in nature & when we look at the way in which nature is organized, the following becomes apparent: When a seed is planted in soil and water is added, it grows to be a tree and in turn, bears leaves flowers and fruits. The fruits ripen, leaves mature and fall to the ground, and enrich the soil forming manure by decaying. Seeds are scattered from the fruit into the soil and once again these fruits form a plant and bear fruit. This way the soil gets enriched, seeds are multiplied and the tree grows. Everything is regenerated. This is nature’s way of enriching the soil. We can see mutual enrichment in nature in this way. This process is also cyclic. It is not that the seed grows once, and then the whole process is over. This process continues. We can thus see that the processes in nature are both cyclic and enriching. Numerous such examples can be taken, between plants and soil, within plants, between plants and birds, and animals, etc. There is an inherent balance, in the species, in the entire cycle. We don’t notice this enough today and appreciate it. When we do start noticing, we will be highly delighted. We are so lost in our imagination, in our own make-believe worlds of aims and misconstrued notions of existence, that we don’t pay attention to the very system that supports all of us. We can start noticing these ourselves, paying attention to this, when we either walk on the road or in the park. As we see and understand its processes, we will feel more comfortable and more assured. There is another interesting fact that comes up when we start paying attention to nature. Production is already taking place in it! Once a plant starts to grow in nature, it manages its own fertilizer and its own water. Trees and plants grow of their own accord. We can only facilitate that process, by first understanding it, and then learning the skills. The basic requirements for human and animal survival are already occurring in nature. So, when we talk of production with respect to human beings, it is not that we are going to produce something in nature for the first time! In a sense, we are only extending the process. Rice and wheat anyway grow in nature, we only work out how we can have more of it or only certain varieties in a given land mass, we call this agriculture. Even today, most of the work in basic production is being done by nature; for example, in agriculture, most of our effort is in sowing, collecting, and storing food. The rest of the work is being done by nature. Hence, when we are talking of production, it is desirable to extend this production system that is already inherently present in nature, which is cyclic and mutually enriching. For example, guavas are grown in nature, we eat them and finally, it go back to the soil through human excreta. We can extend this process by making jars or jelly out of guava and eating the jam or jelly. This making of jam or jelly is production, which is essentially an extension of the cyclic production process already taking place in nature. If we start paying attention, it is very much possible for a human being to ensure a production process that is cyclic and enriching for nature. Let’s take an example. The trees and plants are anyway growing in nature. The amount of wood one person would require in his lifetime can be obtained from four fall-growth trees. How many trees can a person plant in his lifetime? Certainly more than four, it can even be ten, twenty, or a hundred. So, if aware, a human being can enrich nature in a much more effective manner than an animal can as we can see in Figure below. Universal Human Order In nature, there are four different kinds of entities. One kind of entity includes materials such as air, water, soil, metals & non – metals, etc. The other kind has plants, herbs, etc. The third kind has animals & birds, and the fourth kind includes human beings. When you look at their interrelationship, you find that the materials, plants, and animals are enriching for the other entities including human beings. We saw some examples above about the interwoven, cycles and enrichment in nature. Based on these cycles and mutual enrichment only, production is naturally taking place in nature. Humans only have to understand this feature of nature. The purpose of science and technology is to facilitate the cyclic processes in nature and make human beings more and more fulfilling to the oilier entities. But you will find that human beings are neither enriching (fulfilling) for humans nor for the other three kinds of entities. If only we understand the processes in nature, we can design our production systems through the application of science and technology in such a way that this mutual fulfillment is better ensured, rather than disturbing it. Exchange -Storage The exchange of physical facilities between the members of the society, while storage refers to the storage of physical facilities that are left after fulfilling the needs of the family. It is important to note that exchange and storage are done for mutual fulfillment and not for the madness of profit or exploitation or hoarding. Each family has the capacity to produce more than what it needs for itself. Say, if a family produces wheat, it can produce for ten families together, and the other family can similarly produce cotton for its entire neighborhood. Summing up all the needs in society, families are capable of producing more than they need. And then we can exchange things. This exchange can take place in the form of commodities themselves, or through currency, wherever required. When we produce more than required, we exchange them for our current needs and store them for future needs. This storage is to be used when the production is not taking place, or some relative of ours needs it. One thing to observe in the two activities is what we are exchanging so that all of us are able to fulfill our needs together. It is meant for mutual fulfillment, arid not to exploit the other, not with a madness of profit. This is what is naturally acceptable to us, though we may be living far from it. Similarly, we are storing for proper utilization of the physical facility in the future. We are not doing it to hoard. As soon as we can recognize the relationship with other human beings or die rest of nature, we cannot think of exploiting anything. This is what our natural acceptance is, what our basic aspiration is. Justice -Preservation Justice (Nyaya) refers to harmony in the relationship between human beings, while preservation (Suraksha) refers to harmony in the relationship between human beings and the rest of nature. Ensuring justice in relationships, or mutual fulfillment in relationships on the basis of values like Trust, Respect, etc leads to fearlessness in society, while Suraksha of nature – via enrichment, protection, and right utilization leads to co-existence in nature. Ability to identify the Scope and Characteristics of People-Friendly and Eco-Friendly Production Systems – Modern technologies and systems are all human inventions in response to the needs visualized under the influence of the prevailing worldview. Accordingly, they have been designed and optimized to the objective functions best suited to this worldview. In order to facilitate the development of holistic technologies and systems, it will be necessary to visualize alternative objective functions and formulate appropriate criteria for evaluation compatible with the comprehensive human goals. Generally speaking, there are three broad criteria to guide the development of such technologies and systems, viz. Catering to appropriate needs and lifestyles, People – friendly, and Eco-friendly. Also, read – Need for Value Education in Human Values Criteria for Technologies The above-mentioned general criteria can be itemized into more specific forms as follows: Catering to real human needs Compatible with natural systems and cycles Facilitating effective utilization of the human body, animals, plants, and materials Safe, user-friendly, and conducive to health Producible with local resources and expertise as far as possible Promoting the use of renewable energy resources Low-cost and energy-efficient Enhancing human interaction and cooperation Strategy for Transition to Universal Human Order Transition is the gradual change for betterment that takes place at two levels; At the individual level At the Society level At the Individual Level Perform services only in the areas of competence Uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of their respective profession Provide opportunities for the professional development of the employee under their supervision Promote the safety, health, and welfare of the public in their respective area of service. Strive for the principles of sustainable development To be accountable for their action Morally responsible for their respective organization. At the societal level Collective measures for prevention and removal of threats to the peace. Promote value-based education for the ultimate betterment of society. Framing positive agenda, mission statement, objectives, values, and behaviors of the business and service, etc. Sustainable development Assigning the possible social role to its respective members Promoting self-awareness and enhancing healthy employer-employee relationships and ultimately the human inter-relationship. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values