Applications of Internet YASH PAL, March 19, 2021November 9, 2024 Applications of the Internet – Until the early 1990s, the Internet was largely populated by academic, government, and industrial researchers. the new application, namely the WWW (World Wide Web) changed all that and brought millions of new nonacademic users to the Internet. Together with the Mosaic viewer, written at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications, the WWW made it possible for a site to set up a number of pages of information containing text, pictures sound, and even video with embedded links to other pages. Application of Internet By clicking on a link, the user is moved to the page pointed to by that link. Numerous other kinds of pages have come into existence in a very short time, including maps, stock market tables, library card catalogs, recorded radio programs, and even a page pointing to the complete text of many books whose copyrights have expired. Now with Internet Explorer integrated with the Windows 9X/XP operating system, the accessibility of the internet is much easier and a new application called Net Commerce is emerging very fast. Important Applications of the Internet. To exchange electronic mail with friends all over the globe for a very small price. To participate in group discussions on topics of interest, through public newsgroups. To find educational tools, universities around the world, bookstores, and libraries, and sharing online information. Commercial electronic stores are growing in number in the USA and Europe. One can order different products over the internet. In the case of business, one can get technical support for products one is using. One can publish information such as technical or marketing literature on the website. Because the internet is electronic, one can make changes to reflect late-breaking news that would change to reflect late-breaking news that would be impossible for printed publications. change becomes easier, updates are simpler and information is instant. The Internet has become the first global venue for publishing information. this network has enough users now and it is benefiting from the positive feedback loop. the more users it gets, the more content it gets, and the more content it gets, the more users it gets. Basic Applications of the Internet Basic applications of the internet include the following things Modem When digital data are to be sent over telephone lines, the digital signals must be converted to analog form. the technique by which a digital signal is converted to its analog form is known as modulation. the reverse process, i.e. the conversion of the analog signal to its digital form at the destination device is called demodulation. The process of modulation and demodulation, that is the conversion of digital data to analog form and vice versa is carried out by a special device called a modem (short form for modulator-demodulator). Internet Protocol Internet Protocol (IP) is responsible for addressing and sending data from one computer to another computer. Internet Information Server (IIS) IIS (Internet Information Server) is a group of Internet Servers (HTTP server and FTP server) including the additional capabilities of Windows NT and Windows 2000. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) It uses a set of rules to exchange messages with other Internet points at the information packet level. Internet Service Provider (ISP) An Internet Service Provider or ISP is one gateway to the Internet. In most cases, you connect to an ISP by using a PC modem to dial into your ISP’s modems over a standard telephone line. your modem connects to a single modem among a bank of modems at your ISP. this is called a dial-up connection. users within corporations and large organizations typically connect to an ISP via a high-speed link (typically over fiber optic cabling but not phone lines) called a direct connection. NETIQUETTE Netiquette is a collection of rules and standards that distinguish the internet from traditional forms of communication such as telephone conversion, face-to-face meetings, and paper-based letters. it helps you to avoid misunderstandings that may arise during communication accomplished via any internet services, especially E-mail, chat mailing lists, etc. Nature of Poor Netiquette. Poor grammar and spelling errors Junk mails Harsh language Characteristics of Good Netiquette Communications that do not waste the user’s time are considered good netiquette. Also, read The commercial impact of the internet on society Transmission control protocols What are Internet protocols Types of Internet Layer Protocols Introduction to VBScripts Digital communication engineering subjects Digital communicationengineering subjects