Understanding the Harmony in the Society YASH PAL, November 30, 2022January 12, 2025 Understanding the Harmony in Society – (SOCIETY BEING AN EXTENSION OF FAMILY) – The harmony in society begins with the individual. We need to ensure the right understanding of the individual as the foundation of harmony in society. With the right understanding, the need for physical facilities in the family can be ascertained. By assessing our needs correctly and by producing more than required, the family can be prosperous. Assurance of right understanding in the individuals and prosperity in the families, understanding of human relationships leads to harmony and trust (fearlessness) in the society. When every individual is able to live harmoniously in a relationship, and the needs of all the families are ensured, fearlessness (mutual trust) in society will naturally follow. When human beings with the right understanding interact with nature, it will be in consonance with the coexistence and will be mutually enriching. Understanding the Harmony in the Society Samadhan: The State of Self-Settledness Society is getting complex. The sound of the inner heart is getting diminished. There should be a balance between both. One has to be at pace with society and with nature for a successful life. Sunathan presents the right understanding to every individual. Balance is much needed to live with harmony in family and society Conflicts are part of life. One can not imagine a problem-free world but Samadhan helps in living peacefully because the right way will always. Dharma is the guiding principle for Samadhan. “Faith is the biggest strength” Explanation by Adi Shankaracharya: What is Samadhan? Adi Shankaracharya wrote in his book- ” Tatva – Bodha ” about Samadhan – Samadhan is the state of mind in which we concentrate on one single goal in life. If we have a single goal in life, our mind and efforts are concentrated in a single direction only and move faster towards our goal. Shat Shampatti is the Six Virtues: Sama: Quietude in holding the mind steadily on the object of attention. Dama: Control mastering of the powers of perception and of action, holding them from Uparati: Cessation from leaning on outer things and external objects. Titikaka: Endurance of afflictions without rebelling against them and without lamentation or grumbling Shraddha: Faith or firm conviction of the truth about the soul, the science of the soul, and the Teachers of that science. Samadhana: Self-settledness in the Pure Eternal in an increasing measure till permanency therein is attained. Also, read – Factors for Fear in Human Values Samridhi “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” – Epicurus 341 B.C. – 270 B.C., Ancient Greek philosopher, Father of Hedonism: To attract abundance and prosperity, let’s first understand what each word means. The meaning of abundance is; a large amount or a plentiful or overflowing quantity of something. And the definition of prosperity is the condition of being affluent and successful and having good fortune. Almost everyone wants to have riches, wealth, and possessions and become prosperous and well-off. So they look around for the road or path to prosperity and hope that they’ll find one that will lead them to fill their needs. Some will get the ” aha ” moment and understand how the law of abundance and the law of prosperity work and they will thrive. Many more will keep on searching and most will give up, believing that they are the unfortunate few who are fated to struggle and live in scarcity and impoverished life. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values