Comprehensive Human Goal YASH PAL, November 30, 2022January 12, 2025 Comprehensive Human Goal – Comprehensive human goals are right understanding, prosperity, fearlessness, and co-existence. Programs needed to achieve the comprehensive human goals are: Education – Right Living (Siksha – Sanskar) Health – Self Regulation (Swasthya – Sanyam) Justice – Preservation (Nyaya – Suraksha) Production – Work (Utpadan- Kriya) Exchange – Storage (Vinimaya – Kosh) Programs for Comprehensive Human Goal Education – Right Living: Education refers to understanding harmony at all four levels of living. living. While right living refers to commitment and preparedness to live in harmony at all four. Health Self Regulation – Sanyama refers to a feeling of responsibility for nurturing, protecting, and rightly utilizing the body. When the body is fit to act according to the needs or Swasthya. of the self (F), and, there is harmony among the parts of the body, it is referred to as health. Justice – Preservation – Justice (Nyaya) refers to harmony in the relationship between human beings, while preservation (Suraksha) refers to harmony in the relationship between human beings and the rest of nature. Exchange – Storage – Exchange (vinimaya) refers to the exchange of physical facilities between the members of the society, while storage (Kosa) refers to the storage of physical facilities that are left after fulfilling the needs of the family. We can now see how these five dimensions of humanistic society are able to ensure the human goal. Education – Right living leads to the Right understanding Having the process of education and right living leads to the right understanding in the individual. Health – Self – Self-regulation leads to Prosperity Having the program for health and Sanyam leads to well well-being of the body, and the identification of the need for physical facilities which along with production ensures a feeling of prosperity in the family. Justice – Preservation leads to Fearlessness and Coexistence (respectively) Ensuring justice in relationships, or mutual fulfillment in relationships on the basis of values like Trust, Respect, etc leads to fearlessness in society, while Suraksha of nature – via enrichment, protection, and right utilization leads to co-existence in nature. Production – Work leads to Prosperity and Coexistence Production and work are for physical facilities, and this leads to a feeling of prosperity in the family. Production is done in harmony with nature, and hence, this also leads to co-existence with nature. Exchange – Storage leads to Prosperity and Fearlessness – When we store and exchange for mutual fulfillment and not for exploitation, then it leads to fearlessness (trust) in society. Also, read – Holistic Perception of Harmony At all Levels of Existence Society Today in Terms of Fulfilment of Comprehensive Human Goals In order to facilitate the fulfillment of the basic aspirations of all human beings in society, the following comprehensive human goal needs to be understood. Today the state of society in terms of this comprehensive human goal is: Right understanding in individual – We are talking about information and skills, but we are ignoring the need for right understanding, we are ignoring the need to understand happiness correctly. We are ignoring the need to understand and be in a relationship. Prosperity in families – We are not able to see that the needs of physical facilities are limited and that, we can have more than what we need. We are only talking about how to generate wealth. We seem to have forgotten that the need to have wealth is connected with the need to keep the body healthy and use it for the right purpose and not for maximizing accumulation for the purpose of sensory enjoyment. Fearlessness (trust) in society – In place of working for fearlessness, we are working for strategic power. In the name of defense, we are misusing the valuable resources of nature to make weapons and ammunition. We are becoming increasingly fearful of each other, so most of the countries in the world are busy preparing for war, in the hope that more and more competence for war will lead to peace. Co-existence with nature – Instead of co-existing we are busy figuring out better ways to exploit nature. We have tended to assume that the goal of our technological development is to get victory over nature, to subjugate the entities in nature, and to disrupt nature’s cycle, in pursuance of our whims and fancies. We even have disregarded the truth that nature is our basic support system and disturbing its balance will result in our own destruction. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values