Innateness in the Four Orders of Nature YASH PAL, December 2, 2022September 2, 2024 Innateness (Dharana) – Innateness means qualities that are innate to the unit. Each unit in existence exhibits innateness, an intrinsic quality that cannot be separated from it. We refer to this principle as innateness also called dharna of that unit. This is intrinsic to the unit. Innateness in the Four Orders of nature Material order: When we burn coal and it has finished burning and only some ash is left and smoke has gone out, it is not that the basic material, the fundamental particles in coal, have “ceased to exist ‘ or ‘ disappeared ‘ from existence. They may not be visible to the eye at that moment, but they continue to exist, they still are in the form of other matter or in the form of gases, etc. This is there with all material units. We cannot destroy matter; we can only convert it from one form to the other. Thus, ” to exist “, or ” existence ‘ is intrinsic to all material, it is innate to it. We cannot separate the ‘ existence ‘ of a thing from the thing itself. [br] Plant/bio order: Because the pranic order is a development of the material order, it also has the innateness of ‘ existence ‘. In addition, it also exhibits ‘ growth ‘. This principle of ‘ growth cannot be separated from any units of this order. If it is of pranic order, it will grow. For example, if you have a plant, you cannot stop it from growing. It will continue to respire and keep changing in this way. The only way you can stop it from growing is by cutting it, but when you do that, it ceases to belong to the pranic order, instead decays and then belongs to the material order. So, as long as you have a plant, it will grow. [br] Animal order: The animal body is a development of the pranic order and therefore this order inherits the innateness of the previous order namely ‘ existence ‘ and ‘ growth ‘. This is at the level of the body, which is physical-chemical in nature. In addition, all units in this order have the ‘ will to live ” in ‘ T ‘. Indeed no unit in this order can be separated from this will to live “. It is intrinsic to every unit in this order. [br] Human (knowledge) order: When we look at the human being, we find that ‘ existence ‘ and ‘ growth ‘ are fundamentally present in the body, just as in the animal body. At the level of ‘ l ‘ however, in addition to the ‘ will to live ‘, a human being’s innateness is the ‘ will to live with happiness “. [br] Order Things Innateness Material order Soil, water, metals, etc. Existence Pranic order Plants and trees Existence + growth Animal order Animals and birds (Existence + growth) in body + will to live in ‘I’ Human order Human beings (Existence + growth) in body + will to live with happiness in ‘I’ EXISTENCE IS GATHANSHEEL AND GATHANPURNA AND ALSO THERE IS KRIYAPURNATA AND ACHARANPURNATA IN EXISTENCE Gathansheel: The material units are transformable, and their composition keeps on changing, hence these are Gathansheel. [br] Gathanpurna: The other category of units the sentient ‘ T ‘, do not transform and are complete in composition, hence Gathanpurna. [br] Kriyapurnata: Completion of the right understanding in a human being is called Kriyapurnata. [br] Acharanpurnata: The ability to live with complete understanding is called Acharanpurnata. [br] The material units are transformable, and their composition keeps on changing, hence these are Gathansheel. The other categories of units, the sentient ‘ T ‘, do not transform and are complete in composition, hence Gathanpurna. [br] Also, read Differences and similarities between animal order and human order Natural characteristics Holistic Perception of Harmony at All Levels of Existence Natural Acceptance of Human values The definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values