Visualizing a Universal Harmonious Order in Society YASH PAL, November 30, 2022January 12, 2025 Visualizing a Universal Harmonious Order in Society – UNDIVIDED SOCIETY (AKHANDSAMAJ), UNIVERSAL ORDER (SARVABHAUM VYAWASTHA) FROM FAMILY TO WORLD FAMILY! – The feelings of being related to every human being leads to our participation in an undivided society. By living in a relationship in the family, we get the occasion to gain the assurance that the other person is an aid to us and not a hindrance. The family is a laboratory of sorts, in which we live our understanding and relationship. Visualizing a Universal Harmonious Order in Society With the understanding of values in human relationships, we are able to recognize the connectedness with every individual correctly and fulfill it. On getting assured, it becomes easy to see that society is an extension of family and that it is possible to live in harmony with every human being thus laying the foundation for an undivided society- from family to world family. Akhand Samaj – Universal Harmonious Order Akhand Samaj is the state of society where all people of different religions and thought processes live together and work towards the betterment of society. The Akhand Samaj is achieved when every human – being realizes established – values and expression – values. When we look at India, we find that this nation is a combination of different cultures. The country which is respected for its multi-religious, multi-linguistic, and multi-cultural richness is suffering from dividedness. Divide and rule have different meanings in pre-independent India, however, the modern Indian vision is to have an undivided society. Segregating people with gender-biased laws to protect only women questions equality before the law. Perhaps this could be the reason why there is still too much segregation and demoralization of sections in Indian society, until one can truly accept that all are equal before the law, nothing will change. Roadblocks to Akhand Samaj – Universal Harmonious Order The removal of the distinction between the sacred and the secular does not at all mean the removal of the distinction between morality and immorality, between virtue and vice, and between truth and falsehood. There is a universal moral law known as dharma governing both the sacred and secular aspects of human life. The compelling power of yajna itself is derived from this law. and any violation of it will destroy the sacrificial nature of life and will bring its own retribution sooner or later. Also, read – Problems of Differentiation There are following negative values that are the main cause for worry. These are the direct roadblocks for Akhand Samaj: Fear Hate Selfishness Egoism Humility Steps Towards Akhand Samaj It may be pointed out that all attempts at leading an integrated life and converting one’s entire life into an undivided consecration will be only partially successful until the higher unifying spiritual center known as Buddhi or dhi awakens. For this awakening, intense aspiration and divine grace are prime requisites. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values