Computer Architecture Fundamental YASH PAL, February 1, 2025February 1, 2025 Computer Architecture Fundamental – The computer lies at the heart of computing. Without computers, most computing disciplines today would be simply a branch of theoretical mathematics. To be an expert in any field of computing. one should not consider the computer as just a black box that executes programs by magic. An understanding of computer system’s functional components, characteristics, performance, and interaction is necessary for computing professionals. The computer architecture needs to be understood to develop a program so that it runs more efficiently on a real machine. The practical understanding of computer architecture is a key point for any professional in the field of computing. It is concerned with all aspects of the design and organization of the central processing unit (CPU) and integration of the CPU into the computer system itself. Computer Architecture is defined as the attributes of a system that have a direct impact on the logical execution of a program. In other words, it can be defined as the attributes of a system that are visible to the programmer. Examples of architectural attributes include the instruction set, the number of bits used to represent various data types, the I/O mechanism, and techniques for memory address schemes. Computer Organization is defined as the operational units of computer architecture with their respective interconnections to realize the architectural attributes. Examples of computer organizational attributes are the hardware details visible to the programmer, such as interfaces between computers and peripherals; control signals; and memory technology used. Also, read – Basic Computer Structure Whether a computer will have a specific instruction (e.g. multiplication or division) is an architectural design issue but how to implement the instruction is an organizational issue. The organizational issues may be based on architectural issues. Like in the above example the implementation of specific instruction will depend on the speed, cost, and physical size of a special unit, designed to execute the instruction changes in the technology not only influence the organization but also introduce more powerful and more complex architecture. In advanced technology, the relationship between architecture and organization is very close. The hardware of the computer is divided into three major parts: Central Processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) Memory and input/output devices The Central Processing Unit (CPU) contains an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) for the manipulation of data, several registers for string data, and a control circuit for fetching and executing instructions. The memory of a computer contains storage for instructions and data. The information communication between the computer and the outside world is controlled by an Input-Output Processor (IOP). The block diagram of a digital computer is shown below. Computer Architecture Fundamental Computer System Architecture Computer System Architecture