Interconnectedness and Mutual Fulfillment Among The Four Orders Of Nature YASH PAL, December 2, 2022January 13, 2025 INTERCONNECTEDNESS AND MUTUAL FULFILLMENT AMONG THE FOUR ORDERS OF NATURE – Our world today may be described as an age of confusion and tensions, both within and outside of us. A beautiful life is ‘ in harmony ‘ with the situations in life. Harmony is a precious treasure of human life. Real success, satisfaction, and happiness are different facts of harmony. Interconnectedness and Mutual Fulfillment If one is to enjoy the benefit of life to the fullest, it is necessary to develop and maintain harmony. The law of nature has a unique cause-and-effect system that must be understood to be in harmony with the natural law of things. Natural harmony is necessary for the following reasons: Natural harmony is necessary to solve the problem of global warming and depletion of nonrenewable natural resources can be avoided. Natural harmony with trees cures all problems like reduction of wind velocity, energy savings, companion planting, development of an eco-subsystem in terms of establishing a forest garden, and reduction of building heat. It is possible to achieve natural harmony in the establishment, maintenance, and management of educational institutions like schools, colleges, and universities. One can understand the depths of harmony and alignment in nature by contemplating and reflecting upon the natural order. It is possible to unravel the mystery of natural synthesis in the midst of ongoing chaos at the material plane. Everything that we see around us can be put into one of the four orders- Material Order, Plant Bio Order, Animal Order, and Human (Knowledge) Order. The big land mass of the continents, gigantic water bodies like oceans and seas, mountains and rivers, the atmosphere above, the help of meals and minerals below, and the dense grass & fossil fuels deep below the surface of the earth all fall into the Material Order. In fact, if we look around beyond the Earth, the material order is visible even in the form of stars, planets, the moon, and several astronomical bodies. Our land mass is covered with grass and small shrubs and they form the lining of the entire soil. Shrubs, plants, and trees form huge forests along with the flora in the ocean. All of this is the plant/bio order and it is the next big order on our planet. The material order is far greater in quantity compared to the plant/bio order. Animals and birds form the third largest order and we call them the Animal Order. Hence again, we see that the Plant bio-order is far greater in quantity than the animal order. Humans are the smallest order and they are referred to as Human Order. Animals are far greater in quantity as compared to the human order. Each one of us can recognize all these four orders around ourselves and see that together these four orders comprise all the units that we see and understand around us. The first three orders namely the Material, Plant / Bio, and Animal Order are interconnected. Each order is connected to the other order. And the relationship between these orders is in such a way that they all coexist with each other. The Material Order provides the nutrients to the Plant / Bio-order in the form of soil, minerals, etc while the Plant / Bio-order decays and forms more nutrients, thus enriching the soil. The Plant / Bio Order also decays to substances like oil and coal, which are stored deep within the earth as protection against the heat from the molten core inside the earth as well as the heat from the sun (today, this is the material we are removing and using as fuel). Plants help move nutrients through the various layers of the soil. The roots of the plants hold the soil together and prevent the soil from erosion. Plants produce oxygen/carbon dioxide and thus help in the movement of the Material Order. Thus Plant / bio-order and Material Order, naturally exist in a relationship of mutual fulfillment with each other. They also co-exist, they don’t deny each other. There is a mutual interdependency and coexistence we can see here. The Material Order provides the basis for the movement of all animals, birds, and fishes. Water, Oxygen, and other gases are necessities for both plants and animals. At the same time, the Animal Order helps enrich the soil with its excreta and these excreta help the plants with nutrients. The Plant / Bio-order provides food for animals, birds, and fishes. The Animal Order helps in the pollination of the flowers of the Plant / Bio-order. The relationship across all three orders is naturally one of mutual fulfillment. None of these orders denies the other. Now, it becomes clear that the above-mentioned three orders are fulfilling each other. When we look at the connectedness with human beings, we find that each of these orders is fulfilling the human order. This we can verify by looking at the multiple uses we are drawing out of these entities. We humans also have a natural acceptance of mutually fulfilling these three orders. However, we are not able to ensure this mutual fulfillment. Also, read – Recyclability and Self-regulation in Nature We are dependent on the material order of soil and minerals and metals, but only end up polluting the soil and depleting the fossil fuels; we are dependent on plants for our food and holding together the larger ecosystem, but we have destroyed forests and destroyed multiple species of plants and herbs; we are dependent on animals to carry out our production and transportation activities, but have made many species animals extinct, and are today known for our cruelty towards animals. We thus see that the three orders besides the Human Order are in harmony and are fulfilling the human order. However, we as humans have not yet understood and learned to live in a relationship of mutual fulfillment with these three other orders. This is because we have not understood the harmony that exists between these orders. We have not even understood our own needs properly nor have we understood harmonious ways to fulfill our needs. Consequently, we have disturbed ourselves and also the balance among the other three orders. This is evident when we see that we have plundered the body of the earth of all the heat-absorbing materials like coal and oil and burnt these fossil fuels in our atmosphere causing a significant deterioration in the mass temperature regulation of our planet. We have significantly deforested huge forests and through it, altered the weather system of our planet. Our burgeoning cities and industries have spilled huge amounts of industrial and human waste into water bodies and even drinking water has to be now chemically treated before it can be consumed by humans. The air we breathe has become polluted; the food we grow has become chemically affected. The effect of this disharmony is now affecting our lives in the form of diseases and maladies, On the other hand, if we explore our natural acceptance, we find that we want to live harmoniously with nature. This is important for our happiness. This is an undeniable and very significant relationship for each one of us. This is a relationship we need to properly understand. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values