Sanyam and Swasthya in Human values YASH PAL, November 27, 2022January 12, 2025 Sanyam and Swasthya in Human Values – Sanyam means the feeling of responsibility in the self (I) for nurturing, protection, and the right utilization of the body. Self-control or Sanyam is the control of the mind and its desires urges emotions and delusions. It is controlling the outgoing tendencies of the mind and the senses and bringing them back to our self within. Swasthya is the condition of the body where every part of the body is performing its expected function. The word Swasthya literally means being anchored to the self, being in close harmony with the self. In other words, Swasthya, in Sanskrit means self-dependence (swa = your own). Also, embedded in its meaning are health, sound state, comfort, and satisfaction. So we can say that Sanyam ensures Swasthya. With the right understanding, I get self-organized and take care of my body properly. With the lack of the right understanding, I am able to do it and the body becomes unhealthy. With the right understanding and the right feelings, the body gets favorably affected. For example; when I am happy, the temperature and pressure in the body are normal, when I am angry or tense, they get upset. It means if I am in disharmony, say in anger or stress or despair, it immediately starts affecting the body adversely There are many diseases of the body that are caused due to disharmony in T. These are called psychosomatic diseases, such as asthma, allergies, migraine, diabetes, hypertension, etc. so we can say that Sanyam has a strong effect on Swasthya. Also, read – Programs to Ensure Sanyam and Swasthya HARMONY WITH I AND BODY A human being is the co-existence of this body and self. This self ‘ is called ‘ I ‘ or consciousness. All the feelings that we feel or decisions that we make are governed by ourselves only and not the body. The body only performs the activities decided by the self. The human body is a self-organized mechanism and is made up of several organs and glands Snayam is the feeling of responsibility in ‘ T ‘ towards the body for its nurture, protection, and right utilization. Swasthya has two elements: the body acts according to me and there is harmony in the body. engineering subjects human values engineering subjectsHuman values